Razorfish Marketing Creative
ROLE: Creative director
During my time as the creative lead for Razorfish Marketing Communications, we were able to sustain double digit growth for 2 years with a very small team.
Thought Leadership
We had continuous updates from within the organization that needed to be leveraged on the site, so I led a small team of designers to create a series of web, social, and motion templates to help publish new content efficiently.
Razorfish/Vice Research Travel Report, Sample Pages
As an example, Razorfish partnered with Vice Research on this report about the evolving travel preferences of Gen Z and Millennials. I was responsible for the conceptual look and feel and designed many of the visual motifs used throughout the report and supporting materials. We created email and social assets to direct traffic to a gated landing page with a lead gen form to download the report. I worked on many of these layouts, and provided art and creative direction to three other designers to complete all deliverables.
Gated Page with Lead Gen Form
One Sheet
Web Site Design
I first started working with the Razorfish marketing team on the launch of the website in 2020. By the time I had come onboard, the general look and feel of the site was established. But after the MVP launch, I led the creative efforts to build off of that foundation. I designed the form elements and the evolving design system of UI elements.
I also led designers and collaborated with a UX lead in the addition of new page templates, and homepage redesigns. The animation below represents my most recent proposal for evolving our homepage layout.
Social Engagement
I also worked with motion designers to define a consistent motion style for our social channels, to make our content more engaging, whether we were announcing a new case study or celebrating community events.
Dove: The Real Cost of Beauty Case Study
Pride Month Celebration
Brand Evolution
The Razorfish brand was relaunched in early 2020 with a very minimalist aesthetic. So minimalist, the color palette was digital-only (which required quite a scramble when we first tried to print something). After I came onboard later in the year and started developing the marketing team, we found the need to build off of the initial foundation with some new graphic elements to help keep things fresh. But we also wanted to establish more cohesive guidance on everything from secondary color palette usage to how to choose stock photography.
With the our very light color palette, I felt like it was particularly important for us to be mindful of accessible contrast ratios. So I did a deep dive on infographics best practices, and used these findings to define an infographic style that would also inform our guidance for the brand color pallete